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September 17, 2016
Eisenhower Farm

A commemoration of the life, service and sacrifice of Corporal Herbert Rosencrans.  Through his letters home to Dear Mom and Dad, Herb writes eloquently of his love of family and country and his service to the land of his birth.

“We should get down on our knees and thank god every day for being born American.  I fight now to come home.  I fight to deserve to come home.  May God grant me that privilege.”

The first born son of Jewish immigrants, Herb served his country with great distinction. Herb’s mother, Eva Rosencrans, would become a famous dress designer whose clients included Mamie Eisenhower.  Eva designed the First Lady’s inaugural gowns.

Dear Mom and Dad was first performed at the Museum of American Jewish Military History Veterans Day, 2013. Join Catherine Ladnier, and friends of Dear Mom and Dad for a salute to this American hero.

To learn more about the Eisenhower Farm. please visit their website