Pres. Reinhard--1941 Yearbook, CrestTuesday, April 30, 2013, 7:00pm
Greenwich Historical Society, Vanderbilt Education Center, 39 Strickland Rd., Cos Cob, CT

Explore the experience of Japanese Americans during WWII through the letters of Mills College students who wrote to college president Aurelia Henry Reinhardt from their internment camps. The ever-resilient Mills girls, despite their unjust imprisonment far from home, strove to make the best of the hand they were dealt while looking forward to a Future Day of Radiant Peace. Reinhardt (one of the first female Ph.D. graduates from Yale University) and her staff defied the prejudice and hysteria of the time to support their Nisei students. Website:

April 25, 2013
Greenwich High School, Greenwich, CT
The Future Day of Radiant Peace as part of Greenwich Reads Together. The book selected for this year, “When the Emperor was Devine” by Julie Otsuka.